Finding Low hanging fruit
I was sitting in the garden looking at my lemon tree. I noticed that the lemons were visible in the lower half of the tree. I then realized the significant link between these lemons and many businesses out there.

What is a Mentor - Do you need one (many) ?
The idea of a long term mentor is one who provides a framework for the mentee to be able to grow.

Profiling tools : Divine or Devil ?
What are profiling and assessment tools, and what is their role in your organization ?

Episode 161: The Savvy Dentist with Dr Jesse Green

What is the truth?
How do these to ideas come together in 2019 and beyond. We live in an era of fake news and post-truth. And so what then constitutes perfect information ? How does the truth then relate to this ?

Are we having fun yet ?
What is FUN and how do we embrace that as part of the core value and core culture. ?

Is “WORK HARD - PLAY HARD “ a Culture of Excellence ?
But the one consistent trend I've found through every one is that culture of work hard, play hard.”

If Culture ate Strategy for breakfast - Why are you still hungry ?
Culture forms the key cornerstone of a robust culture. So what exactly is a culture and how is it formed

In search of business excellence
Why have we, as theoretically the most advanced species on this planet, not found the true core of business excellence.

Finding more purpose

Finding Purpose!

Can goals be infinite?

How do you learn to be social?

Bottom(s) up culture – Creating the future organisation
No longer is the domain of management to decide on a vision and mission and blindly go about implementing that vision. Often the hope is that the employees will buy into the vision and mission and thereby shape an appropriate culture. That is all that it is – a hope.

Teams and leaders

Success or insanity?

Find your CHEIN
What one word describes an ideal leader or manager

Why am I writing a blog ?

To live without risk is to risk not living