Rael Bricker - The Excellence Guy

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World Day for Cultural Diversity


World Day for cultural diversity for dialogue and development

There is no doubt that this is a crazy world in which we live.

A world in which bombings, random shooting and general hatred abides.

Our world should NOT be that bad.

It would be great if our world was a place where dialogue is the norm. Where people talk to each other with respect and dignity.

The sad thing is that we all rationally know that something must be done. The challenge is working out what to do!

What are you doing to promote cultural diversity in our world ?

Rael Bricker is a speaker, consultant,author and mentor on achieving BUSINESS EXCELLENCE. Achieving excellence meansputting the building blocks of culture, ethics, inspiration, diversity andsimple systems into place to harness growth potential.

Rael has conducted unprecedented GLOBALresearch into ORGANIZATIONS and CULTURE by interviewing almost 80+ companies inmore than 25 countries. He is a serial entrepreneur and culture futurist –using the lessons of the past to look at trends to make your organizationalmore robust.

If you would like more information, please contact Rael on rael@raelbricker.com or +61408600330