Is “WORK HARD - PLAY HARD “ a Culture of Excellence ?
Is “WORK HARD - PLAY HARD “ a Culture of Excellence ?
The themecontinues of the great (and not so great ) stories of culture around the globe. These are part of my unprecedented GLOBALresearch into drivers of CULTURE comprising more than 70 interviews in over 25countries so far.
One of the key questions I asked executives in the various companies was to “describe the culture”.
One respondent (the HR, Peopleand Culture Manager) answered that theculture across many of the organizations where she had worked was “much the same, but they're very different. Butthe one consistent trend I've found through every one is that culture of workhard, play hard.”
The answer continued “I like that because, especially in terms of what I do in my role. I think it's so important for everyone in a business to be working together towards the same goal. So if we're working hard, that's fantastic we reap the rewards”
Common goals
This was focussed in terms ofsimplicity that everyone had a common set of goals.
However the interview continued with “I don't like it from the point of view that over my time in all of those organisations I've seen a lot of burnout. I've seen where people place work above everything”
The good news
The greatpart of this conversation then shifted to the current company where “I think the culture piece and where HR comesin is all of the add on programmes that we try and do. So looking at well beingand not just having a policy but trying to live that”
When asked about what sort of wellbeing programs were part of the culture the answer was “Making mental health not taboo, and being able to talk about that - Really focusing on parents, both moms and dads. So leaving the workforce, going to have their child and then returning. And what that looks like”.
Returning to the heading - is work hard -play hard a culture of excellence ?
The answer, I believe is YES - if it is managed effectively - it harnesses the power of the individuals for the growth of the team.
Thequestion is really whether you can describe the culture of your organization,workplace or team ?
RaelBricker is a speaker and consultant on achieving BUSINESS EXCELLENCE. The primary driver of that is creating robustand rich workplace cultures. These encompass presentations on businessexcellence, culture, ethics, inspiration, simplifying systems and harnessing growth potential. Rael has conducted unprecedented GLOBALresearch into CULTURE by interviewing 70+ companies in more that 25 countries.
If youwould like more information, please contact Rael on or+61408600330