Finding Purpose!
Keep diving in
What is purpose? We use that word so often we probably forget what it really means. Recently I caught an Uber to a function I was attending. The driver spent the entire trip quizzing me, and as we were nearing the destination he asked me “How do you find your purpose?”. He also asked me for “some words of advice to help him find his metaphorical direction”,
and what I did to find my purpose. And it struck me that I had to think about this - but had no answer to give him.
That got me to thinking – How does one find personal purpose?
And on a more global level – how do you find organisational purpose ?
Dive in and back yourself
Whilst in the Uber, I answered that I have truly never thought about personal purpose as I have always been motivated. I have not always had a clear vision and purpose. A lot of the time I have taken a “dive in” approach, adjusting the course as I go **. The key fundamental is to keep diving in. If you stand still, then you are going nowhere. By taking a chance you are committing to backing yourself.
So the next logical question is how do you back yourself? What do you need to do create that confidence in yourself to back your purpose?
It’s a crazy and somewhat unnerving occurrence that I write many of my blogs on planes, and often I watch a TV box set or series in the background while writing. I was watching the Australian Series ‘Doctor Doctor’ and there was a quote from Penny in the series who says “If you stay with me, can you handle missing out on the things that you love.” The answer was “I need more out there”.
The Uber ride today was not long enough, for me to explore the ideas behind this blog.
Everyone has a purpose
This will be the first of many blogs on the idea of finding purpose and how purpose is critical to our future.
Even in ancient times, back to the cave dwellers, there was a purpose. That may have been driven by a need to find food, water and shelter for survival. However, that very purpose is what kept them alive and motivated. I don’t believe we have to revert to looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy to confirm our needs. I acknowledge that there are millions of people around the world for whom life is a daily struggle and that the most basic of needs become their purpose in life. It would be fantastic if everyone who is not struggling for basic needs every day could make their purpose in the world related to those who are struggling. This is however, completely unrealistic, and therefore all my comments are directed potentially at those whose daily lives are not a struggle for basic survival.
The most amazing thing about humans is that each and every person in the world has their own set of defined objectives and on a greater level, a purpose. Not everyone has a grand purpose of saving the world, and it would make little sense if everyone shared the same purpose.
The first step
Reverting back to the question of how do you find your purpose, and my previous articles and blog on why we work.
The first step to finding your purpose is to have your eyes open. I notice many commuters who travel to and from work and take no notice of their surroundings They have been numbed into the boring sameness of routine. Someone made a comment to me a few days ago along the lines of “when was that building finished - I have been coming past here every day for the last 3 years and I never noticed that it was finished and people had moved in. “
The first step is to start being aware of our surroundings. Once we are aware of the ever-changing landscape, we will begin to notice things around us. Once you start noticing things around you, then you can start finding a purpose. Its not the whole answer – it’s the start of the journey. We need to embrace the journey, potentially without having the destination in mind. This is the first step in finding purpose.
I finish every blog with “why am I writing this?”
The answer is BECAUSE –
• Because I want to share the ideas, stories, anecdotes and business tips and traps.
• Because I want to pay it forward.
• Because I want to help people grow their businesses.
• Because I want managers to become better managers.
• Because I believe that I can “Give your business the EDGE”
If you want to discuss how I can serve your business better and add value to your business, please contact me through or email
If you would like to be a part of the largest GLOBAL CULTURE RESEARCH PROJECT, please drop me an email and we can connect
Rael has diverse work history, which makes him perfect to advise businesses on growing and achieving excellence as he has experienced the rollercoaster himself. From being 6000ft underground, to starting an education business (that grew to have 4000 plus students) to spending years working in venture capital, Rael has seen it all. He's listed companies on international stock exchanges, and his financial services group has settled in excess of $3bn in loans in 17 years.
Rael Bricker holds two Masters degrees, an MBA and an MSc (Engineering). He is currently a Fellow of the MFAA (Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia) and a Professional Member of PSA (Professional Speakers Australia).