Rael Bricker - The Excellence Guy

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Find your CHEIN

Think of a word to describe a person that is brimming with unbridled, exceptionally focussed energy. The word that I would probably use to describe the undeniable, infectious energy that radiates from certain people is “spirit”. But at the end of the day the word spirit does not truly capture the essence of the person.This person displays a certain demeanour that is potentially quite different to the person who displays team spirit. This team spirit can either be as a player or a supporter.  It is quite different from the energy of this ideal “spirited” person. Have you ever watched a group of team supporters leaving a stadium when their team has lost a match? In the main, they will be back the next week cheering the team on - but right at that moment they are feeling the pain of the loss.

The Madiba Spirit

One of the truest exponents of the spirit that I am looking for would have to be Nelson Mandela, affectionately known as “Madiba”. When you research the early years, pre-1964 and the imprisonment you saw someone who was fiercely committed to the struggle and had a definite fighting “spirit”. However, that spirit was tempered by a demeanour that brought people along with him on a shared journey. Perhaps the current movies around Madiba highlight the strong change in the man from his early years to the years after his release from prison. One would have expected him, after 27 years in jail to be embittered by the experience and extremely aggressive towards the minority white population. However, Nelson Mandela emerged from jail in 1990 and immediately set out on a path of reconciliation.  He exuded calmness of spirit and a demeanour that truly set him apart from the majority of leaders in the world.So, what is this “leadership spirit”?  It’s incredibly difficult to define, but to me it is a combination of :

  • Demeanour
  • Grace
  • Spirit
  • Gentleness
  • Beauty
  • Splendour
  • Dignity
  • Honour
  • Passion

For most of my life I have used the Hebrew word chein (chayn) “ חן to describe this quality of person who displays this definitive spirit. In the light of “Rael Bricker – Give your business the EDGE” I decided to find a word that defines an ideal leader or manager. My oldest daughter Aimee, suggested that the ideal leader or manager should have this quality called “chein”.The actual definition of the word is “grace”. This prompted a discussion with my daughter Jess, who suggested that definitions need to be applied in regard to the “connotation which is reflective of the culture”. Some cultures may call someone strong willed, whilst my cultural background may describe them as having ‘chein’.  A person who is passionate, with charm, subtlety goodwill and grace. So, my message for the week and for life is to FIND YOUR CHEIN – find your spirit and passion and temper it with goodwill and grace. Be the true leader that exhibits all these qualities of spirit. The kind of leader that YOU would look up to and follow.Till next time. Rael – Give your business the EDGE.